Mauritanian activist Biram Dah Abeid: “When I was ten, I promised my father that I would fight slavery”

Biram Dah Abeid has been called ‘the Mauritanian Nelson Mandela’. And this comparison makes sense. Dah Abeid stands up for the suppressed black community in Mauritania, just like Nelson Mandela did in South Africa. Prison sentences don’t stop him from persisting in his peaceful resistance against racism and slavery. Hundreds …

La Mauritanie, toute entière, endeuillée

مبادرة إنبعـــاث الحــــركة الانعتـــــــاقية INITIATIVE DE RESURGENCE DU MOUVEMENT ABOLITIONNISTE EN MAURITANIE IRA – Mauritanie Communiqué de Condoléance La Mauritanie, toute entière, …

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